Hello, kia ora, hoe gaan dit, namaste, ni hao!


I have had an interesting time lately and it has been mostly with my thoughts. I have been doing heaps of research and reading and thinking about what I'm acually going to start studying! I was originally going to be studying Civil Engineering.

But my goals and dreams have change in such a short period of time, that I'm seriuosly considering a degree in Social Sciences!! I know it's crazy, I spoke to someone the other day and I was telling them how weird it is that it never occurred to me before to do Social Sciences, and they replied that perhaps I needed time to figure out who I was and what actually captures my soul.

I have a really keen interest in Community Development. Working with communities by allowing them to dictate and take ownership of the needs that will most benefit them.

Andy Crowe

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

It's often easier to escape reality...

It’s often easier to escape reality… because…

It means…

I don’t have to face the facts…

What I don’t know doesn’t affect me…

Children suffering on the other side of the world mean’s nothing to me…

Why should I care?

You see, it’s just often easier to just escape reality… sit on the couch… and just escape.

I heard it said that religion was the opiate of the masses, but I say we’ve missed the point!




These are the ‘opiates’ of our time.

It goes without saying that religion is no longer a dominant factor in mainstream society.

Tv’s, computers, fashion…



And more images.

These are the dominant factors of our society.




Easier to escape reality…

We long for deeper relationships.

We want to make something of our existence.

We want to be good citizens, active members of our community.

We want the best for those closest to us.

These are legitimate ‘wants’, these are want’s that long to express that thing inside us that tells us to live.

We want to live.


We consume,

We oppress,

We exploit,

We ignore the very fabric and pattern of life that enables us to live.

We fail to see that the very things we consume stop us from attaining these legitimate ‘wants’.

We fail to see that the very things we are told that are meant to bring us happiness and fulfilments are the same things that drive us apart.

This is the irony of technology.

This is the irony of televisions.

It is also the irony of social networks.

It is even the irony of this blog.

In that I am trying my best to connect you with my ideas, my thoughts and my feelings. And instead of being able, as I would if we personally spoke face-to-face, to see your reaction, hear your voice and to feel your physical presence with me in a space.

We are now


By one sense,

The one that we need to read.

By words that convey limited meaning and,



EMOTION. [still not sure about this bit :D]

If this is the only way that we communicate we will only experience intimacy to certain degree.






We find out about each other our relationship will not be real.

Because, even though we know what we ‘want’ and need,



Escape Reality…

[Just a little disclaimer: The post is both an exploration of 'space'and also a journey in finding out what, "The Medium is the Message" means. IT JUST AN EXPLORATION :D <3]

1 comment:

IDIEEASY said...

"We long for deeper relationships."

Man why does everyone say this? Show me the evidence! I am pretty happy with my relationships as is, thanks. Some of them could be more superficial. Maybe its because i have invested alot of time into "deepening" relationships that I know that it comes at a cost. Always. Deeper relationships, or a greater number of superficial relationships... only time tells which has payed off more, or in your terms "done more good in the world".

Yeah I agree that something is lost in translation to text and back again. But also you get some gains, for example your thoughts are better laid out and can be easily digested by others. Also, technology has enabled me to share in this thought where I otherwise would have missed out.

Good post, thanks for that.